- This is not current policy -
E9 Trade Commitments (24/04/2006)
- One of the objectives of New Zealand's temporary entry policy is to contribute to building strong international links. Part of this includes supporting New Zealand’s position in a global trade environment, and ensuring that New Zealand’s trade commitments with respect to immigration are being met.
- Immigration plays an important role in ensuring New Zealand’s trade commitments are met through operational policy providing for the mobility (temporary entry) of bona fide business people into New Zealand.
- New Zealand has committed itself to a range of undertakings through different agreements. To date the following agreements have been signed:
- General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS)
- New Zealand/Singapore Closer Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA)
- New Zealand and Thailand Closer Economic Partnership
- Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership
- Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC).
- Details of these trade agreements are available on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs website at the following address:
- Specific provisions throughout the Operational Manual enable New Zealand to meet the commitments that have been made in these trade agreements. These provisions are:
- A4.65.1 Seconded business people
- V3.5 Business visitors
- V3.105 APEC Business Travel Cardholders
- WG5.20 Thai chefs
- WS2(a) Specific purposes or events
Effective 24/04/2006