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G3.5 Points awarded for qualifications (04/09/2000)

G3.5.1 Qualifications Table

  1. Qualifications will be awarded points based on the category and level that the qualification (or group of qualifications) occupies on the Qualifications Table (QT).
  2. The Qualifications Table is aligned to the New Zealand National Qualifications Framework (NQF). The NQF is a system administered by the NZQA for organising and understanding the relationships between a wide range of New Zealand qualifications.
  3. A qualification (or group of qualifications) which is assessed as occupying a category and level on the QT for which no points may be awarded, will not be awarded points.









12 points

11 points




11 points

10 points

11 points



0 points

0 points

10 points



0 points

0 points

10 points

11 points


0 points

0 points

0 points

10 points


0 points

0 points

0 points

10 points


0 points

0 points

0 points

0 points


0 points

0 points

0 points

0 points

G3.5.5 Definition of Category A qualification

In the New Zealand context, a Category A qualification will have all the characteristics of a Category B qualification (as defined below) and normally involves study, directed research and scholarship additional to, and in advance of, that required for a Category B qualification.


In New Zealand the holder of a Category A qualification at level 7 and above may be qualified for:

  • academic leadership,
  • advanced research,
  • senior managerial occupations.

G3.5.10 Definition of Category B qualification

In the New Zealand context, Category B qualifications are usually awarded following a degree level course at a university or other institution of higher education. They provide a systematic and coherent introduction to the knowledge, ideas, principles, concepts, chief research methods and problem solving of a recognised major subject. They are academic in nature and may not necessarily educate for any particular vocation or profession.

Industrial experience in the field of learning is not usually a requirement but a practicum may be required for professional qualifications.


In New Zealand the holder of a Category B qualification at level 7 and above may be qualified for:

  • entry to honours, postgraduate or equivalent tertiary education,
  • entry to research-based occupations,
  • certification for professional or middle managerial occupations.

Note: The granting of entrance to a postgraduate course by a New Zealand university or other institution does not necessarily imply that the applicant holds a Category B or Category A qualification for immigration purposes. In New Zealand entry to postgraduate or equivalent tertiary education may be on the basis of relevant skills and knowledge acquired through appropriate work or professional experience.

G3.5.15 Definition of Category C qualification

In the New Zealand context, Category C qualifications usually prepare a candidate for employment in a specific vocation or occupation. The usual pathway to these qualifications is by post-secondary polytechnic or other registered training provider study that may incorporate an industrial placement or practicum. In some fields a Category C qualification may be at degree level.

Category C qualifications in a technical field usually require industrial experience and may be completed following (and build upon), a Category D qualification. There will be emphasis on theory and less on manual or "doing" skills than with a Category D qualification. Generally, people with Category C technical qualifications would be expected to spend at least some of their working time at a desk, a drawing board or in computer assisted design.


In New Zealand the holder of a Category C qualification at level 5 and above may be qualified for:

  • continuing undergraduate or equivalent tertiary education,
  • training towards certification in technological or paraprofessional occupations,
  • certification in advanced trade or technical occupations.

In the New Zealand context, a Category C qualification will be at the level of a New Zealand National Diploma or above.

G3.5.20 Definition of a Category D qualification

In the New Zealand context, Category D qualifications are intended to teach a craft and are closely aligned to the traditional New Zealand apprenticeship system. With some exceptions, New Zealand apprenticeships are designed to provide the foundation manual skills necessary for the construction, manufacture, service, repair or modification of an item. The normal pathway is for trainees to enter into a formal apprenticeship or training contract, which is registered with an officially recognised overseeing body. Training is usually on the job, with a strong emphasis on manual skills and sufficient off job training to provide underpinning theory. On completion of training, the trainee would be expected to achieve competence in a significant range of varied work activities in a variety of contexts, some of which are non-routine, with some individual responsibility or autonomy. It is not usually possible for a candidate to obtain a qualification classified as Category D for the purposes of immigration without considerable workplace based industrial training.

A Category D qualification at Level 3 or 4 is a prerequisite for a Category D qualification at level 5 or above. Category D qualifications at level 5 or above will contain more theory, and elements of supervision, but will retain an emphasis on the actual doing of the job to a specification or within tight guidelines.


In New Zealand the holder of a Category D qualification at level 3 and above may be qualified for:

  • entry to tertiary education,
  • training towards certification in skilled occupations, crafts and trades,
  • certification in sub-crafts and sub-trades.

In New Zealand the holder of a Category D qualification at level 4 and above may be qualified for:

  • entry to undergraduate or equivalent education,
  • training towards certification in advanced trade and technical occupations,
  • certification in basic crafts and trades.

Effective 04/09/2000


G3.1 Basic rules for qualifications (04/09/2000)

G3.10 New Zealand qualifications (24/03/2003)

G3.15 Evidential requirements for qualifications (04/09/2000)

G3.20 Verification of qualifications (04/09/2000)

G3.30 Exceptions to normal qualifications... (01/07/2001)

G3 Qualifications (01/11/1999)

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