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WG3 Applications based on offers of employment from... (10/04/2007)

WG3 Applications based on offers of employment from employers with approval in principle

  1. New Zealand employers who can establish that there are no New Zealand citizens or residents suitably qualified by training and experience available, or readily able to be trained to do the work, may request approval in principle from the NZIS to temporarily employ non-New Zealand citizen or resident workers.

    Note: No approvals in principle will be granted after 30 September 2007 for recruitment of workers to plant, maintain, harvest or pack crops in the horticulture or viticulture industries.

  2. Employers should apply to the nearest NZIS branch in New Zealand for approval in principle by submitting the evidence required in WG3.1, before individual applicants apply for work visas.
  3. A fee is payable for a request for approval in principle to employ a non-New Zealand citizen or resident worker.

Effective 10/04/2007


WG3.1 Evidence required from employers requesting... (29/04/2002)

WG3.5 Determining requests to employ non... (29/04/2002)

WG3.10 Labour market tests (31/03/2008)

WG3 Applications based on offers of employment from... (29/04/2002)

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