- This is not current policy -
G2.27 Principal applicants with specialist skills identified as... (01/07/2001)
G2.27 Principal applicants with specialist skills identified as contributing to New Zealand’s economic development
- The New Zealand Government recognises the need for highly skilled people with specialised skills which could contribute to New Zealand’s economic development to be able to qualify for residence. whose skills or occupations are listed in this section, and who do not meet the normal criteria for points under the General Skills category, may therefore nevertheless be awarded points as specified in the relevant subsections below.
- Principal applicants applying under the provisions of G2.27 must meet all other requirements of the General Skills category and obtain sufficient points to meet the passmark applying at the time the application is .
- The NZIS will undertake periodic reviews of occupations included in this section to ensure that the justification for any special provisions still exists.
- From 1 July 2001, national representative organisations of occupations or industries in New Zealand which are experiencing significant difficulty recruiting highly skilled specialist employees from overseas under the normal General Skills category criteria may make submissions to the New Zealand Immigration Service requesting special provisions for such applicants.
- Submissions must be addressed to:
The Chief Operating Officer Operations Group, National Office New Zealand Immigration Service PO Box 3705 Wellington NEW ZEALAND
and must:
- demonstrate that there is a national shortage of employees in the particular occupation, and
- provide evidence that the occupation is highly skilled, and could contribute to New Zealand’s economic development, particularly of a knowledge society, and
- give clear reasons why a special provision is requested for that occupation (e.g. that suitably skilled migrants do not have sufficient work experience to qualify for points, or that qualifications do not yet exist for the occupation, making it difficult for these migrants to qualify under the normal provisions of the General Skills category.)
- The NZIS will assess all such submissions, and will consult with the Ministry of Economic Development and other groups as necessary, before referring them to the Minister of Immigration and the Minister for Economic Development for decision. Any special provisions agreed by the Minister of Immigration relating to residence applicants with specialised skills or occupations will be published in this section of the Operational Manual.
Effective 01/07/2001