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U7.5 Students transferring from scholarship to full fee status (26/07/1999)
  1. MFAT scholarship students may transfer to full-fee student status after their awards are terminated.
  2. Students wishing to transfer to full-fee student status must provide evidence that:
    1. they have met the mandatory requirements for a temporary visa and permit and the policy requirements for a student visa and permit, and
    2. MFAT has no objection to the change of status.

Effective 26/07/1999


U7.1 Variations to allow transfers and course changes (26/07/1999)

U7.10 Second and subsequent courses (26/07/1999)

U7.15 Revocation of a student permit (01/10/1999)

U7.20 Students undertaking employment (01/07/2001)

U7.25 Part-time study

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