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U9.1 Air New Zealand trainees (26/07/1999)
  1. Trainees from the airlines listed below may be issued with a student visa authorising a permit for training for the requested period with Air New Zealand at the Leonard Isitt Aviation Training Centre in Christchurch:
    • Air Nauru
    • Malaysian Air Services
    • Royal Brunei Airlines
    • Omani Airlines, or
    • any other airline that has made a special arrangement with Air New Zealand.
  2. Applicants must provide a guarantee from Air New Zealand confirming placement, maintenance, accommodation and repatriation, for the length of the training, but they do not have to produce evidence that they have paid the course fee.
  3. A letter of support from Air New Zealand must accompany any applications for a further student permit.

Effective 26/07/1999


U9.5 Nautical students (26/07/1999)

U9.10 Religious trainees (26/07/1999)

U9.15 MFAT Short-Term Training Award (STTA) trainees (26/07/1999)

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