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U9.5 Nautical students (26/07/1999)
  1. Foreign students may be issued with a student visa and granted a student permit to attend nautical courses for the requested period at Manukau Polytechnic.
  2. Applicants must provide:
    1. a letter from the shipping company that employs them, guaranteeing maintenance and repatriation for the length of the course (this guarantee may be accepted instead of a financial undertaking or other evidence of funds for maintenance and onward travel), and
    2. evidence that they have a place at Manukau Polytechnic, and
    3. evidence that they have paid the course fees or are exempt from having to pay them.

Effective 26/07/1999


U9.1 Air New Zealand trainees (26/07/1999)

U9.10 Religious trainees (26/07/1999)

U9.15 MFAT Short-Term Training Award (STTA) trainees (26/07/1999)

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