BE6.1 Resident visas subject to conditions
See also Immigration Act 2009 s 49(1)
- Under the Employees of Relocating Businesses Category, a resident visa is granted to a principal applicant and accompanying partner and dependent children subject to conditions under section 49(1) of the Immigration Act.
- The Employees of Relocating Businesses Category conditions that may be imposed by letter on the resident visas are:
- that, the visa holder is employed in the relocated business for the 24 months following the relocation of the business; and
- that, if the visa holder is in a position to ensure that the relocating business complies with all relevant employment and immigration law in New Zealand, the business has done so; and
- that, the visa holder informs the nearest branch of the INZ of any changes of New Zealand address during the 24 month employment period; and
- that, within 3 months after the expiry of the 24 month employment period the visa holder must submit suitable evidence that conditions (i) to (ii) have been met.
- If a principal applicant is granted a resident visa subject to conditions, the resident visa of any accompanying partner and dependent children must be subject to the same conditions.
- For further information about the implications of visas subject to conditions, see RA8.
BE6.1.1 Imposing conditions
Principal applicants are advised of any condition imposed in a letter that states:
- the conditions; and
- that failure to comply with the conditions may result in the visa holder becoming liable for deportation under section 159 of the Immigration Act 2009; and
- that the conditions will apply to the resident visa for the 24-month period following their first entry to New Zealand as a resident.
BE6.1.5 Reminder from INZ to provide evidence that conditions have been met
Three months before the expiry of the 24-month employment period the INZ will write to the principal applicant requesting that evidence of conditions being met be provided within 3 months after the expiry of the 24-month employment period.
Effective 29/11/2010