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R6.5 Allocation of places within the New Zealand Residence Programme (29/11/2010)

  1. There are three streams within the New Zealand Residence Programme:
    1. The Skilled/Business stream;
    2. The Family stream;
    3. The International/Humanitarian stream.
  2. The Government may, from time to time, reallocate places for approvals within the three streams and/or add places to the three streams.
  3. The annual allocation of places within the New Zealand Residence Programme for the Skilled/Business stream is approximately 26,900 to 29,975 places.
  4. The partner and dependent child instructions within the Family Stream do not have a cap on available places. However, for planning purposes, the annual allocation of places within the New Zealand Residence Programme for these instructions is estimated to be approximately 9,900 to 10,700 places.
  5. The annual allocation of places within the New Zealand Residence Programme for the International /Humanitarian stream is approximately 3,250 to 3,825 places.
  6. The annual allocation of places within the New Zealand Residence Programme for the parent, adult child and adult sibling instructions of the Family stream is approximately 4,950 to 5,500 places.

Effective 29/11/2010


R6.5 Allocation of places within the New Zealand Residence Programme (12/10/2016)

R6.5 Allocation of places within the New Zealand Residence Programme (20/07/2014)

R6.5 Allocation of places within the New Zealand Residence Programme (01/07/2011)

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