R6.5 Allocation of places within the New Zealand Residence Programme (20/07/2014)
- There are three streams within the New Zealand Residence Programme (NZRP):
- The Skilled/Business stream;
- The Family stream
- The International/Humanitarian stream.
- The Government may, from time to time, reallocate places for approvals within the three streams and/or add places to the three streams.
- The allocation of places for each stream across the two-year NZRP period is as follows:
- The Skilled/Business stream is allocated approximately 53,800 to 59,950 places.
- The Family stream is allocated approximately 29,700 to 32,400 places.
- The International/Humanitarian stream is allocated approximately 6,500 to 7,650 places.
- For the places available under the Family stream, 11,000 places in total are available for approvals under the Capped Family categories. These places for the Capped Family category approvals consist of the following:
- 2,820 places are available for approvals under the Parent, Sibling and Adult Child categories for applications lodged on or before 16 May 2012; and
- 8,180 places are available for approvals under the Parent Category for applications lodged after 16 May 2012.
Effective 20/07/2014