Germany - Vocational Qualifications (14/05/2012)
Vocational Qualifications
The qualification awarded by the institutions listed below qualify for the points indicated.
Level in NZ terms
Points under SMC
Diplom (Berufsakademie) / Diplom (BA)
The awarding certificate will include the:
- heading ‘Diplomurkunde’ or ‘Diplom-Urkunde’,
- qualification name, and
- area of speciality.
The qualification name and the area of speciality may be presented on the awarding certificate in any of the following ways. For example, the speciality Betriebswirt (economics) may be presented on the relevant awarding certificate as:
- Diplom Betriebswirt (Berufsakademie)
- Diplom Betriebswirt (BA), or
- DIPL.-Bertriebswirt (BA).
Note: - Award certificates must be provided in their original language for all qualifications. - All qualifications awarded after 2011 should be referred to NZQA for an International Qualification Assessment unless an awarding date after 2011 is specifically listed.
Public Berufsakademien
The following Berufsakademien (Universities of Cooperative Education/Professional Academies) of the Federal Republic of Germany may award the qualification listed above.
Institution Name
Names and dates of institutions have been included in the List of Qualifications Exempt from Assessment for immigration purposes only.
Qualification awarded from
Berufsakademie Berlin, Berlin
1996 - 2003
Berufsakademie Eisenach – Staatliche Studienakademie Thüringen, Eisenach
2002 - 2008
Berufsakademie Gera - Staatliche Studienakademie Thüringen, Gera
2002 - 2008
Berufsakademie Heidenheim, Heidenheim
1982 - 2008
Berufsakademie in der Fachhochschule für Wirtschaft Berlin, Berlin
2003 - 2009
Berufsakademie Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe
1982 - 2008
Berufsakademie Lörrach, Lörrach
1984 - 2008
Berufsakademie Mannheim, Mannheim
1982 - 2008
Berufsakademie Mosbach, Mosbach
1984 - 2008
Berufsakademie Ravensburg, Ravensburg
1982 - 2008
Berufsakademie Sachsen Staatliche Studienakademie Bautzen, Bautzen
1999 - 2009
Berufsakademie Sachsen Staatliche Studienakademie Breitenbrunn, Breitenbrunn
1999 - 2009
Berufsakademie Sachsen Staatliche Studienakademie Dresden, Dresden
1999 - 2009
Berufsakademie Sachsen Staatliche Studienakademie Glauchau, Glauchau
1999 - 2009
Berufsakademie Sachsen Staatliche Studienakademie Leipzig, Leipzig
Berufsakademie Sachsen Staatliche Studienakademie Plauen, Plauen
Berufsakademie Sachsen Staatliche Studienakademie Riesa, Riesa
Berufsakademie Stuttgart - Staatliche Studienakademie, Stuttgart
1982 - 2008
Berufsakademie Villingen-Schwenningen, Villingen-Schwenningen
1982 - 2008
Effective: 14/05/2012