F4.13 Transitional provisions for Parent Category applications accepted for processing before 16 May 2012 (to 07/10/2019)
Note: The instructions in this section cease to be effective from 07 October 2019
- An applicant with a Parent Category application that was accepted for processing by Immigration New Zealand (INZ) before 16 May 2012 but has not been decided may submit a Parent Category expression of interest (EOI) (see F4.10).
- If the applicant is invited to apply for residence, they may lodge a new Parent Category application, provided they meet the requirements set out at F4.1.5.
Note: The applicant under F4.13.1 must submit an EOI in the prescribed manner, including paying the appropriate EOI fee (see F4.10.1)
F4.13.1 Application fee waivers
- The application fee will be waived for applications under tier one lodged by people who have an existing Parent Category that was accepted for processing before 16 May 2012 (as per F4.13 above).
- The application fee will not be waived for applications under tier two lodged by people who have an existing Parent Category that was accepted for processing before 16 May 2012 (as per F4.13 above).
- Where an applicant has a Parent Category application accepted for processing by INZ and their application fee waived, the Parent Category residence application that was accepted for processing before 16 May 2012 will be lapsed.
F4.13.5 Transitional provisions for medical and police certificates
- Where an applicant lodges a subsequent application under F4.13 above, the applicant’s:
- Medical and Chest X-ray Certificate (INZ 1007) included in their initial Parent Category application may be considered valid for the purposes of A4.20; and
- police certificate included in their initial Parent Category application may be considered valid for the purposes of A5.10(a).
- Applicants must still meet the health and character requirements set out at A4 and A5.
- Despite (a) above, an immigration officer may request:
- a General Medical Certificate (INZ 1007) and a Chest X-ray Certificate (INZ 1096) which are less than three months old if they consider this is necessary to establish whether the applicant has an acceptable standard of health; and
- a new police certificate if there is a good reason to do so.
Effective 26/11/2012