These are archived immigration instructions that are no longer current

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WF3.1 Who is eligible for a special work visa (26/11/2012)

  1. Partners (see E4.1.20) of people granted work visas (including visas granted under Long Term Business Visas Category instructions) allowing a stay in New Zealand of more than six months may apply for and be granted a multiple entry work visa under these instructions, unless their partner has been granted a work visa under any one of the following instructions:
    1. Foreign crew of fishing vessels (see WJ); or
    2. a Working Holiday Scheme (see WI2); or
    3. Recognised Seasonal Employer (RSE) Work Instructions (see WH1); or
    4. Supplementary Seasonal Employer (SSE) Instructions (see WH3); or
    5. Silver Fern Job Search Instructions (see WL2); or
    6. Skilled Migrant Category Job Search Instructions (see WR5);
    7. domestic staff of diplomatic, consular, or official staff (see WI4).
  2. Work visas will be granted for the same period as the work visa held by the applicant's partner subject to the generic requirements at E4.5 being met.
  3. Partners of people granted work to residence visas must meet health and character requirements for residence class visa applications as set out at A4 and A5.15 to A5.25.
  4. Applicants under these instructions are not required to produce a job offer.
  5. Any work visas granted under these instructions may be endorsed with conditions that allow work for any employer.
  6. Despite (a) (vi) partners of people granted Skilled Migrant Category (SMC) Job Search work visas may apply for and be granted multiple entry work visas if the related SMC application was under consideration on or before 24 July 2011.

Effective 26/11/2012


WF3.1 Who is eligible for a work visa (28/02/2025)

WF3.1 Who is eligible for a work visa (02/12/2024)

WF3.1 Who is eligible for a work visa (31/10/2024)

WF3.1 Who is eligible for a work visa (06/10/2024)

WF3.1 Who is eligible for a work visa (01/10/2024)

WF3.1 Who is eligible for a special work visa (15/08/2024)

WF3.1 Who is eligible for a special work visa (26/06/2024)

WF3.1 Who is eligible for a special work visa (28/02/2024)

WF3.1 Who is eligible for a special work visa (11/08/2023)

WF3.1 Who is eligible for a special work visa (31/05/2023)

WF3.1 Who is eligible for a special work visa (04/07/2022)

WF3.1 Who is eligible for a special work visa (01/07/2021)

WF3.1 Who is eligible for a special work visa (27/07/2020)

WF3.1 Who is eligible for a special work visa (28/08/2017)

WF3.1 Who is eligible for a special work visa (24/03/2014)

WF3.1 Who is eligible for a special work visa (30/07/2012)

WF3.1 Who is eligible for a special work visa (25/07/2011)

WF3.1 Who is eligible for a special work visa (04/04/2011)

WF3.1 Who is eligible for a special work visa (29/11/2010)

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