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BJ4.5 Implications of providing false or misleading information (29/11/2010)

See also Immigration Act 2009 ss 93, 157, 158

  1. The Immigration Act 2009 provides that:
    1. the provision of false or misleading information as part of an Expression of Interest (EOI) or associated submission; or
    2. the withholding of relevant, potentially prejudicial information from an EOI or associated submission; or
    3. failure to advise an immigration officer of any fact or material change in circumstances that occurs after an EOI is lodged that may affect a decision to invite the person to apply for a resident visa or to grant a resident visa,

    is sufficient grounds for the decline of an application for a resident visa and for the holder of a residence class or temporary class visa to become liable for deportation.

  2. Information relating to a claim made in an EOI that is factually inaccurate and is relevant to the issuing of an Invitation to Apply or the assessment of a resident visa application, will be considered misleading.

Effective 29/11/2010

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