Germany - Craft and Trade Qualifications (27/01/2014)
Craft and Trade Qualifications Awarded in the Federal Republic of Germany and the former German Democratic Republic
The Craft and Trade qualification below may be awarded the points indicated where the qualification is:
- awarded by an Industrie-und Handelskammer (Chamber of Industry and Commerce), a Handwerkskammer (Chamber of Crafts), or a Landwirtschaftskammer (Chamber of Agriculture) within the dates specified, and
- relevant to an occupation in Part B of the List of Skilled Occupations at Appendix 6.
Level in NZ terms
Points under SMC
Meister / Meisterbrief (Master Trademan’s Certificate) 1980 - 2013
* An official stamp on the Meister document will state the chamber name and the German State of jurisdiction. The Meister must be awarded in one of the following crafts / trades:
- Bäcker (Baker)
- Boots- und Schiffbauer (Boat and Shipbuilder)
- Brunnenbauer (Well-sinker)
- Büchsenmacher (Gunsmith)
- Chirurgiemechaniker (Surgical Instrument Maker)
- Dachdecker (Roofer)
- Elektromaschinenbauer (Electrical Machine Engineer)
- Elektrotechniker (Electrical Engineer)
- Feinwerkmechaniker (Precision Engineer)
- Fleischer (Butcher)
- Frisör (Hairdresser)
- Gerüstbauer (Scaffolder)
- Glasbläser und Glasapparatebauer (Glassblower and Glass Apparatus Maker)
- Glaser (Glazier)
- Informationstechniker (Communication Technician)
- Installateur und Heizungsbauer (Installer and Heating Fitter)
- Kälteanlagenbauer (Refrigeration Mechanic)
- Karosserie- und Fahrzeugbauer (Coachbuilder / Body and Vehicle Manufacturer)
- Klempner (Plumber)
- Konditor (Pastry Chef)
- Kraftfahrzeugtechniker (Automotive Mechatronics Technician / Motor Vehicle Technician)
- Landmaschinenmechaniker (Mechanic for Agricultural and Construction Machinery)
- Maler und Lackierer (Painter and Varnisher)
- Maurer und Betonbauer (Bricklayer and Concrete worker)
- Metallbauer (Metal worker)
- Ofen- und Luftheizungsbauer (Stove and air Heating Mechanic)
- Seiler (Ropemaker)
- Schornsteinfeger (Chimney Sweep)
- Steinmetz und Steinbildhauer (Stonemason)
- Straßenbauer (Road Construction worker)
- Stuckateur (Plasterer)
- Tischler (Joiner)
- Vulkaniseur und Reifenmechaniker (Mechanic for tyres and vulcanisation)
- Wärme-, Kälte- und Schallschutzisolierer (Thermal and Acoustic Insulation Fitter / Heat, Cold and Noise Insulation)
- Zimmerer (Carpenter)
- Zweiradmechaniker (Motorbike and Bicycle Mechanic)
If an applicant believes their qualification may be higher than the level stated they should apply to NZQA for an International Qualification Assessment.
Note: - Award certificates must be provided in their original language for all qualifications. - If any courses leading to the award of one of the qualifications listed above were studied at any institution outside of Germany, including any German overseas campuses, or any study was cross-credited towards the listed qualifications, please refer the qualification to NZQA for an International Qualification Assessment. - All qualifications awarded after 2013 should be referred to NZQA for an International Qualification Assessment. - German trade qualifications may also be recognised at New Zealand Level 3 for the award of points under SMC. These are included in the list of Qualifications Recognised as an Exception (Appendix 8).
Effective 27/01/2014