Germany - Craft and Trade Qualifications (28/08/2017)
The Craft and Trade qualifications in Table A may be awarded the points indicated where:
- the qualification is relevant to an occupation at ANZSCO skill level 3 or below; and
- the applicant also provides evidence of completing an apprenticeship in Table B in the same occupation.
Table A
Awarded by a Berufsschule or Berufsfachbschule
Level in NZQF terms
Points under SMC
Abschlußzeugnis (Leaving certificate / Certificate of completion)
Abschlusszeugnis der Berufsschule (Certificate of a vocational school)
Berufsschulabschluß (Vocational school degree)
If an applicant believes their qualification may be higher than the level stated, they should apply to NZQA for an International Qualifications Assessment.
Note: Award certificates must be provided in their original language.
The following must be referred to NZQA for an International Qualifications Assessment: - All honorary degrees - All listed qualifications where study was completed at any institution outside of the country, including any overseas campuses of any listed awarding institution - All listed qualifications in Table A that contain cross-credited courses or papers - All qualifications awarded after 2017
Table B
Apprenticeship Certificates*
The applicant must provide evidence of completing an apprenticeship by providing any one of the following certificates awarded between 1980 and 2016 (or the dates stated) by an Industrie- und Handelskammer (Chamber of Industry and Commerce) or a Handwerkskammer (Chamber of Crafts):
- Gesellenbrief / Gesellenbriefe (Apprenticeship / Journeyman)
- Gesellenprüfung (Trade test) / Gesellenprufüngzeugnis (Trade test certificate)
- Facharbeiterbrief / Facharbeiterbriefe (Craft certificate)
* An official stamp on the apprenticeship documents will state the chamber name and the German State of jurisdiction. The apprenticeship documents will state the crafts / trades.
The following is not intended to be a complete list of crafts / trades:
- Bäcker / Bäckerin (Baker) from 1980
- Backofenbauer / Backofenbauerin (Oven Builder) 1980–2006
- Beton- und Stahlbetonbauer / Beton- und Stahlbetonbauerin (Concreter) from 1980
- Bootsbauer / Bootsbauerin (Boat Builder) from 1980
- Brunnenbauer / Brunnenbauerin (Well Builder) from 1980
- Büchsenmacher / Büchsenmacherin (Gunsmith) from 1980
- Chirurgiemechaniker / Chirurgiemechanikerin (Surgical Instrument Maker) from 1989 (Chirurgiemechaniker (Surgical Instrument Maker) 1980–1989)
- Dachdecker / Dachdeckerin (Roofer) from 1981
- Dreher (Turner) 1989–2002
- Elektromaschinenbauer / Elektromaschinenbauerin (Electrical Machine Technician) 1980–2003
- Elektroniker für Maschinen und Antriebstechnik / Elektronikerin für Maschinen und Antriebstechnik (Electronic Technician for Machines and Drive Technology) from 2003
- Elektroniker / Elektronikerin (Electronics Technician) from 2003
- Estrichleger / Estrichlegerin (Floor Layer / Screeder) from 1980
- Feinwerkmechaniker / Feinwerkmechanikerin (Precision Machinist) from 2002 (Feinmechaniker / Feinmechanikerin (Precision Machinist) 1980–2002)
- Fleischer / Fleischerin (Butcher) from 1983
- Friseur / Friseurin (Hairdresser) from 1980
- Gerüstbauer / Gerüstbauerin (Scaffolder) from 1990
- Glasapparatebauer / Glasapparatebauerin (Glass Apparatus Maker) from 1983
- Glaser / Glaserin (Glazier) from 1980
- Karosserie- und Fahrzeugbaumechaniker / Karosserie- und Fahrzeugbaumechanikerin (Motor Vehicle Construction Mechanic) from 2003
- Karosserie- und Fahrzeugbauer / Karosserie-und Fahrzeugbauerin (Automotive Technician / Bodywork) 1989–2003
- Konditor / Konditorin (Pastry Chef) from 1980
- Konstruktionsmechaniker / Konstruktionsmechanikerin (Construction Mechanic) from 1987
- Kraftfahrzeugmechatroniker / Kraftfahrzeugmechatronikerin (Motor Vehicle Mechatronics Technician) from 2003
- Landmaschinenmechaniker / Landmaschinenmechanikerin (Mechanic for Agricultural and Construction Machinery) 1980–2003
- Maler und Lackierer / Maler und Lackiererin (Painter and Varnisher) from 1980
- Maurer / Maurerin (Mason) from 1980
- Maschinenbaumechaniker / Maschinenbaumechanikerin (Engineering Mechanics) 1989–2002
- Mechatroniker für Kältetechnik / Mechatronikerin für Kältetechnik (Refrigeration Mechanic) from 2007 (Kälteanlagenbauer / Kälteanlagenbauerin (Refrigeration Mechanic) 1980–2007)
- Metallbauer / Metallbauerin (Metal worker) from 1989
- Ofen- und Luftheizungsbauer / Ofen- und Luftheizungsbauerin (Builder of Stoves and Air Heating Systems) from 2006
- Parkettleger (Floorer) from 1980
- Schornsteinfeger / Schornsteinfegerin (Chimney Sweep) from 1980
- Seiler (Ropemaker) from 1980
- Schiffbauer/ Schiffbauerin (Shipfitter/ Shipbuilder/ Shipwright) 1980–1987
- Steinmetz und Steinbildhauer / Steinmetzin und Steinbildhauerin (Stonemason) from 1983
- Straßenbauer / Straßenbauerin (Road Builder) from 1980
- Stuckateur / Stuckateurin (Plasterer) from 1980
- Tischler / Tischlerin (Joiner) from 1997 (Tischler (Joiner) 1980–1997)
- Vulkaniseur und Reifenmechaniker (Mechanic for Tyres and Vulcanisation) 1981–2004
- Wärme-, Kälte- und Schallschutzisolierer / Wärme-, Kälte- und Schallschutzisoliererin (Thermal and Noise Insulation Fitter) from 1980
- Werkzeugmechaniker / Werkzeugmechanikerin (Toolmaker) from 1987
- Zimmerer / Zimmerin (Carpenter) from 1980
- Zweiradmechaniker / Zweiradmechanikerin (Motorbike and Bicycle Mechanic) from 1989