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Y3.35 Revocation of deemed entry permission (to 26/07/2024)

See also Immigration Act 2009 s113A

  1. An immigration officer may revoke the entry permission of any person deemed to hold entry permission under the Immigration (Visa, Entry Permission, and Related Matters) Regulations 2010 where they have arrived in New Zealand and do not comply with:
    1. any order made under section 11 the COVID-19 Public Health Response Act 2020; or
    2. any instruction from a Medical Officer of Health which relates to a notifiable or quarantinable disease.
  2. An immigration officer may revoke the entry permission of any person deemed to hold entry permission under the Immigration (Visa, Entry Permission, and Related Matters) Regulations 2010 where they have arrived in New Zealand on a ship and that ship:
    1. does not have permission by the Director-General of Health to arrive in New Zealand if required to do so by an order made under section 11 of the COVID-19 Public Health Response Act 2020; or
    2. is not permitted to arrive in New Zealand under an order made under section 11 of the COVID-19 Public Health Response Act 2020; or
    3. has not been granted pratique under the Health Act 1956.
  3. If the person arrives at an immigration control area, entry permission may be revoked at any time before the person leaves the immigration control area.
  4. If the person arrives in New Zealand other than at an immigration control area, entry permission may be revoked within 72 hours of the person first arriving in New Zealand.
  5. A revocation under this section is made by entry on the records of the Department and takes effect immediately.

Note: These instructions are valid until the close of the repeal date specified in section 113A(8) of the Immigration Act 2009.

Effective 10/05/2021


Y3.1 Definition and meaning of entry permission

Y3.5 Applying for entry permission

Y3.10 Who must be granted entry permission

Y3.15 New Zealand citizens

Y3.20 People with expired resident visa (including expired returning resident’s visas (RRVs) issued under the Immigration Act 1987)

Y3.25 Powers of entry and search by immigration officers, members of the Police, and Customs officers

Y3.30 People who may be granted entry permission: COVID-19 (to 31/07/2022)

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