These are archived immigration instructions that are no longer current

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WR2.25 Making an application for a work visa under the Talent (Arts, Culture and Sports) Work Instructions (17/11/2014)

  1. Applications for work visas under the Talent (Arts, Culture and Sports) Work Instructions must be made on the INZ form Work Visa Application (INZ 1015) and accompanied by documents which demonstrate that:
    1. the applicant has an international reputation and record of excellence in their declared field; and
    2. the applicant is still prominent in the declared field; and
    3. the applicant's presence in New Zealand will enhance the quality of New Zealand's accomplishments and participation in the declared field of art, culture or sport.
  2. Applications must also include:
    1. a completed Talent (Arts, Culture and Sports) Sponsorship Form (INZ 1091) (see WR2.15); and
    2. a completed General Medical Certificate (INZ 1007) and Chest X-ray Certificate (INZ 1096) and any associated medical or laboratory reports required for the medical or chest X-ray certificates (see A4); and

      ~ All medical and chest X-ray certificates and associated reports must be less than 3 months old at the time the application is made unless A4.25(c) applies.
      ~ Medical and chest X-ray certificates may be submitted directly to INZ by the physician who completes the examination.

    3. police certificates from the applicant's country of citizenship and from any country in which they have lived for 5 or more years since attaining the age of 17 years (see A5).

      Note: Police certificates must be no more than 6 months old when the application is lodged, unless A5.10(d) applies.

Effective 17/11/2014


WR2.25 Making an application for a work visa under the Talent (Arts, Culture and Sports) Work Instructions (29/11/2010)

WR2.25 Making an application for a work visa under the Talent (Arts, Culture and Sports) Work Instructions (30/07/2012)

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