These are archived immigration instructions that are no longer current

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S5.1 Objective (to 31/07/2022)

  1. The objective of the COVID-19 Support residence instructions is to minimise risks to New Zealand posed by the COVID-19 virus. In order to achieve this objective the New Zealand Government has put in place measures to prevent and prohibit travel to New Zealand.
  2. The five main considerations to achieving this objective are the:
    1. risk to the health of New Zealanders; and
    2. risk to the health of Pacific Island Countries; and
    3. readiness of Government agencies to operationalise any measures required; and
    4. risks to foreign relations; and
    5. risk of significant adverse economic impacts.
  3. The New Zealand Government acknowledges that there may be extremely limited circumstances where it is appropriate for a person who is not a New Zealand citizen, permanent resident or person returning to New Zealand as a resident, to travel to New Zealand. The COVID-19 Support residence instructions aim to achieve this objective by providing certainty about the limited situations where travel to New Zealand by the holder of a resident visa who has not yet entered New Zealand as the holder of that visa, or where travel to New Zealand by persons permitted to apply for a resident visa on arrival prior to entering New Zealand, is allowed while COVID-19 poses a significant threat to New Zealand.

Effective 30/07/2021


S5.1 Objective (09/10/2020)

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