S5.1 Objective (09/10/2020)
- The objective of the COVID-19 Support residence instructions is to minimise risks to New Zealand posed by the COVID-19 virus. In order to achieve this objective the New Zealand Government has put in place measures to prevent and prohibit travel to New Zealand.
- The five main considerations to achieving this objective are the:
- risk to the health of New Zealanders; and
- risk to the health of Pacific Island Countries; and
- readiness of Government agencies to operationalise any measures required; and
- risks to foreign relations; and
- risk of significant adverse economic impacts.
- The New Zealand Government acknowledges that there may be extremely limited circumstances where it is appropriate for a person who is not a New Zealand citizen, permanent resident or person returning to New Zealand as a resident, to travel to New Zealand. The COVID-19 Support residence instructions aim to achieve this objective by providing certainty about the limited situations where travel to New Zealand by the holder of a resident visa who has not yet entered New Zealand as the holder of that visa is allowed while COVID-19 poses a significant threat to New Zealand.
Effective 09/10/2020