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WA3.50 Currency and approval specifications of a Job Check

  1. A Job Check may be approved for a duration of 6 months.
  2. An approved Job Check will expire after 6 months, or when the employer’s accreditation lapses or is revoked, whichever occurs first.
  3. Throughout any period that the employer’s accreditation is suspended, any current Job Checks the employer holds will be unable to be used to support an application for an Accredited Employer work visa or application for a Job Change.
  4. An approved Job Check will specify:
    1. the occupation; and
    2. the minimum and maximum remuneration for the employment; and
    3. the location of the employment; and
    4. the number of jobs approved; and
    5. the Job Check start date; and
    6. the Job Check expiry date.
  5. If an employer applies for a Job Check for multiple jobs, an immigration officer may approve the Job Check for the same or fewer number of jobs requested, depending on whether the requirements set out at WA3.10 are met.

WA3.50.1 Associating a job to an employer

  1. A job is associated to an employer when it is approved as part of a Job Check application or the associated Job Check number has been re-used in line with requirements set out at WA4.10.20 (the details of the employment offered continue to meet the employment conditions of their current Accredited Employer work visa).
  2. The job remains associated to the employer until:
    1. in the case of an Accredited Employer work visa or Job Change being granted on the basis of the approved Job Check, that work visa:
      • expires; or
      • is cancelled; or
      • is varied to allow the visa holder to work for a different employer; or
    2. in the case of the approved Job Check not being used to support an application for an Accredited Employer work visa or Job Change, or the work visa or Job Change application being decided without being approved, the approved Job Check:
      • expires; or
      • is cancelled.
  3. If b(i) or (ii) above occurs, the job is no longer associated to the employer.

WA3.50.5 Using a Job Check to support an Accredited Employer work visa

  1. When a job is approved as part of a Job Check application and is associated to the employer, a non-New Zealand citizen or resident visa holder can use it to apply for an Accredited Employer work visa or Job Change.
  2. The approved job may only be used to apply for an Accredited Employer work visa or Job Change while the relevant Job Check is current.
  3. The approved job may only be used to apply for one Accredited Employer work visa or Job Change, except where (d) below applies.
  4. While the Job Check is still current, the approved job can be used to apply for another Accredited Employer work visa or Job Change if:
    1. the previous application for an Accredited Employer work visa or Job Change that was made on the basis of the approved job has not been decided, and the employer notifies INZ that the previous offer of employment has been withdrawn; or
    2. the previous application for an Accredited Employer work visa or Job Change that was made on the basis of the approved job is withdrawn; or
    3. the previous application for a Job Change that was made on the basis of the approved job is declined; or
    4. the previous application for an Accredited Employer work visa that was made on the basis of the approved job is declined, and either:
      • a subsequent application for reconsideration is withdrawn or declined; or
      • it has been more than 14 days since the applicant received notice of the decision to decline the application and a subsequent application for reconsideration has not been received; or
      • the employer notifies INZ that the previous offer of employment has been withdrawn.
  5. Despite anything else in Accredited Employer instructions, a Job Check number may be reused to support an application for an Accredited Employer work visa where the applicant holds an Accredited Employer work visa and the application for that visa was submitted on or before 9 March 2025, the applicant is applying for a visa to continue working in the same role as shown on their current visa, and they meet the requirements set out at WA4.10.20. A Job Check number being re-used in this way is considered to be current and has no expiry date.

Effective 10/03/2025


WA3.1 Overview

WA3.5 Applying for a Job Check

WA3.10 Requirements for a Job Check

WA3.15 Acceptable employment

WA3.16 Determining the occupation and skill level of the job

WA3.20 Labour market test

WA3.25 Employers holding Standard Accreditation

WA3.30 Calculating remuneration

WA3.35 Determining the location of the job

WA3.40 Processing and verification requirements

WA3.45 Considering a Job Check application

WA3.55 Reconsideration process for Job Check applications


WA3.50 Currency and approval specifications of a Job Check (27/11/2023)

WA3.50 Currency and approval specifications of a Job Check (05/12/2022)

WA3.50 Currency and approval specifications of a Job Check (20/06/2022)

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