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WA3.10 Requirements for a Job Check

An immigration officer may approve an application for a Job Check if they are satisfied that:

  1. the employer continues to meet the requirements of their accreditation as set out in WA2 instructions (WA3.40(a) and (b)); and
  2. the employment is acceptable as set out at WA3.15; and
  3. where required, the job meets the labour market test as set out at WA3.20; and
  4. where the employer holds Standard Accreditation, approval of the Job Check does not result in the employer having more than 5 jobs associated to them, as set out at WA3.25; and
  5. where a Job Check application was submitted before 27 January 2025 and has not been decided, a Job Check application may be determined in accordance with the instructions at WA3.10 without the need to meet the previous WA3.10(e); and
  6. the employer agrees to take reasonable steps to ensure that any Accredited Employer work visa applicant who applies on the basis of the Job Check meets qualification and skill requirements as set out at WA2.10.14.

Effective 10/03/2025


WA3.1 Overview

WA3.5 Applying for a Job Check

WA3.15 Acceptable employment

WA3.16 Determining the occupation and skill level of the job

WA3.20 Labour market test

WA3.25 Employers holding Standard Accreditation

WA3.30 Calculating remuneration

WA3.35 Determining the location of the job

WA3.40 Processing and verification requirements

WA3.45 Considering a Job Check application

WA3.50 Currency and approval specifications of a Job Check

WA3.55 Reconsideration process for Job Check applications


WA3.10 Requirements for a Job Check (07/04/2024)

WA3.10 Requirements for a Job Check (27/11/2023)

WA3.10 Requirements for a Job Check (20/06/2022)

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