WA3.5 Applying for a Job Check (20/06/2022)
- A Job Check application must be made by an accredited employer (as defined at WA2.60.1) whose accreditation is not suspended.
- Applications must be made using the approved online form provided on the INZ website.
- Employers must include evidence demonstrating that they meet the Job Check instructions, including:
- a detailed job description; and
- a proposed employment agreement; and
- if a labour market test is required (WA3.20(a)), evidence of advertising the job.
- A fee must be paid for a Job Check application.
- Multiple jobs may be included in a Job Check application if the following details are the same for all jobs:
- the proposed:
- occupation; and
- location; and
- minimum guaranteed remuneration and maximum remuneration; and
- type of agreement (permanent or fixed term); and
- the minimum qualifications, work experience, skills or other specifications required for the job; and
- the job description; and
- the proposed employment agreement included with the application; and
- if a labour market test is required (WA3.20(a)), the jobs are included in the same set of advertising.
Effective 20/06/2022