These are archived immigration instructions that are no longer current

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WA3.5 Applying for a Job Check (20/11/2024)

  1. A Job Check application must be made by an accredited employer (as defined at WA2.60.1) whose accreditation is not suspended.
  2. Applications must be made using the approved online form provided on the INZ website.
  3. Employers must include evidence demonstrating that they meet the Job Check instructions, including:
    1. a detailed job description; and
    2. a proposed employment agreement; and
    3. if a labour market test is required (WA3.20(a)), evidence of advertising the job.
  4. A fee must be paid for a Job Check application.
  5. Multiple jobs may be included in a Job Check application if the following details are the same for all jobs:
    1. the proposed:
      • occupation; and
      • location; and
      • minimum guaranteed remuneration and maximum remuneration; and
      • type of agreement (permanent or fixed term); and
    2. the minimum qualifications, work experience, skills or other specifications required for the job; and
    3. the job description; and
    4. the proposed employment agreement included with the application; and
    5. if a labour market test is required (WA3.20(a)), the jobs are included in the same set of advertising.
  6. Despite (e) above, a Job Check may include jobs with different minimum guaranteed remuneration, if the jobs are covered by a capped sector agreement and the employer indicates that some of the jobs should be considered under that agreement.
  7. When assessing whether a Job Check meets the requirements at (e) above:
    1. an immigration officer may accept a declaration from the employer or information provided in the Job Check application that confirms that the details are the same for all jobs; and
    2. an immigration officer may request and review further evidence if they are not satisfied that these requirements are met; and
    3. despite the requirement to determine applications for temporary entry in accordance with the instructions in effect at the time the application is made (E7.10(a)(ii)), a Job Check application may be determined in accordance with the instructions at (g)(i) and (ii) above if the application was made before 20 November 2024 and has not been decided.

Effective 20/11/2024


WA3.5 Applying for a Job Check (07/04/2024)

WA3.5 Applying for a Job Check (17/11/2022)

WA3.5 Applying for a Job Check (20/06/2022)

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