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WA4.5 Applying for an Accredited Employer work visa

  1. An Accredited Employer work visa application must be made using the approved online form provided on the INZ website.
  2. Applicants must include evidence demonstrating that they meet the Accredited Employer work visa instructions, including:
    1. a copy of the employment agreement; and
    2. a copy of the signed offer of employment; and
    3. a Job Check number (a number referring to a job that has been approved as part of a Job Check application) from the accredited employer that has offered them employment, that meets the requirements at WA3.50.5.

Note: The signed offer of employment does not have to be a separate document to the employment agreement, as long as it is signed by the applicant and employer and includes all information required by WA4.10.1.

Effective 04/07/2022


WA4.1 Overview

WA4.10 Determining an Accredited Employer work visa

WA4.11 Maximum Continuous Stay

WA4.12 English Language Requirements

WA4.15 Currency and conditions of Accredited Employer work visas

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