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BN8.1 Aim and intent

The instructions regarding the nominated funds and/or assets and the method of transfer of those funds to New Zealand are designed to ensure:

  1. the legitimacy and lawful ownership of the nominated funds and/or assets; and
  2. the direct transfer of the funds through a structured and prescribed process to guarantee ongoing legitimacy and lawful ownership of the funds invested in New Zealand.

Effective 19/09/2022


BN8.5 Approval in principle

BN8.10 Transfer of the nominated funds or funds from the sale of nominated assets

BN8.15 Timeframe for transferring and investing nominated funds and/or funds from the sale of nominated assets

BN8.20 Nominating additional funds and/or assets

BN8.25 48-month investment period

BN8.30 Evidence of the principal applicant's holding investments or acceptable investments

BN8.35 Temporary visa to arrange transfer and/or investment of funds

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