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BN8.20 Nominating additional funds and/or assets

  1. The principal applicant may nominate additional funds and/or assets if:
    1. an approval in principle letter has been issued; and
    2. the funds or the funds from the sale of nominated assets nominated in the resident visa application have been transferred to New Zealand; and
    3. the principal applicant has provided evidence that the funds have lost value in NZ dollar terms through currency exchange or due to unforeseen circumstances; and
    4. the principal applicant has provided evidence of the additional funds and/or assets within the first 6 months of the date of the letter advising of approval in principle.
  2. The additional nominated funds/or assets cannot replace the initial nominated funds and/or assets.
  3. Additional nominated funds and/or assets are subject to all the requirements under these instructions.
  4. Where additional nominated funds and/or assets are accepted, a business immigration specialist may extend the timeframe to transfer and invest, whichever is longer, to:
    1. 12 months from the date of the approval in principle; or
    2. 6 months from the date of notifying the principal applicant of the acceptance of the additional nominated funds and/or assets.

Note: For avoidance of doubt, the timeframe for investing nominated funds or funds from the sale of nominated assets (see BN8.15) does not reset when additional funds are nominated.

Effective 19/09/2022


BN8.1 Aim and intent

BN8.5 Approval in principle

BN8.10 Transfer of the nominated funds or funds from the sale of nominated assets

BN8.15 Timeframe for transferring and investing nominated funds and/or funds from the sale of nominated assets

BN8.25 48-month investment period

BN8.30 Evidence of the principal applicant's holding investments or acceptable investments

BN8.35 Temporary visa to arrange transfer and/or investment of funds

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