United Kingdom - Awarding Institutions (1) (26/09/2011)
Awarding Institutions
The following institutions may award the qualifications specified from the dates shown. For the purposes of the List of Qualifications Exempt from Assessment ‘Any date’ or ‘until’ refers to a date on or after 1960.
(Previous names and dates of change, and alternative institution names which may be included on the award certificate are indicated in brackets. Names and dates of institutions have been included in the List of Qualifications Exempt from Assessment for immigration purposes only.)
Qualifications awarded from
Anglia Ruskin University (Anglia Polytechnic University 1992-2005)
BA, BEng, BSc, LLB, MA, MBA, MPhil, MSc and PhD: 1992
DipHE: 2006
Ashridge Business School (The Ashridge (Bonar Law Memorial) Trust)
MBA and MSc: 2008
Aston University (University of Aston in Birmingham 1966-1997)
BEng: 1991
BSc, MSc and PhD: 1966
MBA and MPhil: 1982
MChem (1st), MEng (1st) and MPharm (1st): 2000
Bath Spa University (Bath Spa University College 1998-2005, Bath College of Higher Education 1992-1998)
BA and BSc: 1992
PGDip: 1995
Birmingham City University (University of Central England in Birmingham 1992-2007)
BA, BEng, BSc and LLB: 1992
BMus, MA, MBA, MPhil, MSc and PhD: 2000
PGDip: 1995
Bishop Grosseteste University College Lincoln
BA and MA: 2006
Bournemouth University
BA, BEng, BSc, MA, MBA, and MSc: 1992
FD: 2006
LLB, LLM and MPhil: 2005
BPP University College of Professional Studies Limited (BBP College of Professional Studies 2007-2010)
LLB, BSc, LLM, MSc and MBA: 2007
Brunel University
BA, LLB and MEng: 1992
BEng and LLM: 2000
BSc, MA, MSc, MEd and MPhil: 1982
BTech, MTech and PhD: 1966
Buckinghamshire New University (Buckinghamshire Chilterns University College 1999-2007)
DipHE, BA and BSc: 1999
Canterbury Christ Church University (Canterbury Christ Church University College 1998-2005, Canterbury Christ Church College 1995-1998)
BA, BSc and MA: 1995
MMus: 2005
Cardiff University
BA, BArch, BDS, BEng, MBBS, BMus, BN, BSc, BTh, LLB, LLM, MChem (1st), MA, MBA, MCh, MEng (1st), MESci (1st), MMus, MPharm (1st), MPhys (1st), MPH, MPhil, MSc, MTh and PhD: 2004
City University, The
BA, BMus, LLB, MEB (1st), MEng (1st), MHM and MMath (1st): 2000
BEng and MEng: 1992
BSc, MPhil, MSc and PhD: 1966
MA and MBA: 1982
PGDip: 1984
College of Law, The
LLB and LLM: 2006
Council for National Academic Awards
BA, BEng, BSc,, LLB, Ma, MBA, MEd, MEng (1st), PGDip, MPhil, MSc and PhD: 1964 - 1992
DipHE: 1975 - 1992
Coventry University
DipHE, BA, BEng, BSc, MA, MBA, MEng, MPhil, MSc and PhD: 1992
LLB, MEng (1st) and MSci (1st): 2000
Cranfield University (Cranfield Institute of Technology 1969-1993)
BEng: 1991 – 2006
BSc: 1982 - 2006
MA and MRes: 2000
MBA, MSc and PhD: 1969
MEng, MSc, and PhD: 1982
MDA and MPhil: 1991
De Montfort University
BA, BSc, BEng, DipHE, LLB, MA, MBA, MPhil, MSc and PhD: 1992
PGDip: 1999
Edge Hill University
BA, BSc and LLB: 2006
Edinburgh Napier University (Napier University 1992-2010)
BA, BEng, BSc, MBA, MPhil, MSc and PhD: 1992
BDes, BMus, LLM and MA: 2000
PGDip: 1996
Glasgow Caledonian University
BA: 1995
BEng, LLM, MBA and MPhil: 2000
BSc and PGDip: 1993
DipHE: 1998
MSc: 1997
PhD: 1999
Harper Adams University College
MBA, BSc and MSc: 1996
Heriot-Watt University
BA, BArch, BSc, MSc and PhD: 1966
BEng, MA (1st), MChem (1st), MEng (1st), MLA, MTM, MPhys (1st) and MURP: 2000
March, MEng and MLitt: 1982
MBA, MDes, MFA, MPhil and PGDip: 1991
Imperial College London
BEng, MBBS, BSc, MBA, MEng (1st), MPhil, MRes, MSc , MSci (1st) and PhD: 2007
Kingston University
BA, BEng, BSc, DipHE, LLB, MA, MBA, MEd, MPhil, MSc and PhD: 1992
BMus, LLM, March, MChem (1st), MEng (1st) and MPhys (1st): 2000
PGDip: 1994
Leeds Metropolitan University
BA, BEng, DipHE, LLB, BSc, MA, MBA, MEd, MPhil, MSc and PhD: 1992
LLM: 2000
PGDip: 1991
Liverpool Hope University (Liverpool Hope University College 2002-2005)
BA, BSc, MEd and MSc: 2002
Liverpool John Moores University
DipHE, BA, BEng, BSc, LLB, MA, MBA, MEd, MEng, MEng (1st), MPhil, MPhys (1st), MSc and PhD: 1992
London Guildhall University
BA, BSc, LLB, MA, MPhil, MSc and PhD: 1992- 2002
London Metropolitan University
BA, BSc, MA and MSc: 2002
London South Bank University (South Bank University 1992-2002)
BA, BEng, BSc, LLB, MA, MSc and PGDip: 1992
FD: 2005
MBA, MEng (1st), MPhil and PhD: 2000
Loughborough University (Loughborough University of Technology 1966-1995)
BA, MBA, BEng, BLS, MEng, MPhil and MLS: 1991
BSc, BTech, MA, MSc, MTech and PhD: 1966
MChem (1st), MComp (1st), MEng (1st), MMath (1st) and MPhys (1st): 2000
Manchester Metropolitan University
BA, BEng, BSc, DipHE, LLB, MA, MPhil, PGDip and PhD: 1992
MBA, MChem, MEd, MEng and MSc: 2000
Middlesex University
BA, BEng, BSc, DipHE, MA, MBA, MEng, MPhil, MSc and PhD: 1992
LLB, MEd, MEng (1st), MFA and MProf: 2000
PGDip: 1998
Newman University College Birmingham (Newman College of Higher Education 2007-2008)
BA, MA, BSc and MSc: 2007
Norwich University College of the Arts (Norwich School of Art and Design)
BA and MA: 2007
Nottingham Trent University
BA, BEng, BSc, DipHE, LLB, MA, MEng and MSc: 1992
LLM, MBA, MChem (1st), MEng (1st), MPhil, MPhys (1st) and PhD: 2000
PGDip: 1999
Open University, The
DipHE: 1993
MA, MBA and MSc: 1991
MPhil and PhD: 1982
PGDip: 2002
Oxford Brookes University
BA, BEng, BSc, DipHE, MA, MBA MPhil, MSc and PhD: 1992
LLB, LLM and MEng: 2000
PGDip: 1993
Queen Margaret University (Queen Margaret University College 1999-2007, Queen Margaret College 1992-1999)
BA, BSc, MA, MPhil, MSc, PGDip and PhD: 1992
Queen's University of Belfast
BA, BAgr, BDS, MBBS, BMus, BSc, LLB, LLM, MA, MAgr, MCh, MDS, MEd, MSc and PhD: Any date
BLS, MBA, BSSc, MLS, MSSc, MSW and MTh: 1982
BEng, BMedSc, BTh, MAcc, MArch, MEng (1st) and MPhil: 2000
Robert Gordon University
BA, BEng, BSc, DipHE, MA, MBA, MLitt and MSc: 1992
MPharm (1st), MPhil and PhD: 2000
PGDip: 1996
Roehampton University (University of Surrey Roehampton 2000-2004, Roehampton Institute London 1993-2000)
BA and BSc: 2001
Royal Agricultural College
BSc, MA, MBA and MSc: 2001
Royal College of Art
MA and PhD: 1982
MArt and MDes: 1967
Royal College of Music
BMus, BSc and MMus: Any date
PGDip: 1996
Royal Northern College of Music
BA, BMus and MMus: 2007
Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama, The
BA, BMus, MA and MMus: 1994
Sheffield Hallam University
BA, BSc, BEng, LLB, MA, MBA, MEd, MEng, MPhil, MSc, PGDip and PhD: 1992
BTP: 2000
Southampton Solent University
BA, BSc and PGDip: 2005
St. Mary’s University College
BA, BSc and LLB: 2010
Staffordshire University
BA, BSc, BEng, DipHE, LLB, MA, MBA, MPhil, MSc and PhD: 1992
FD: 2007
PGDip: 1996
UHI Millennium Institute
BA and BSc: 2008
University College Birmingham
BA, BSc, FD, MA and MSc: 2007
University College Falmouth
BA: 2005
University College Plymouth St Mark and St John (University College Plymouth Marjon)
BA, BSc and MA: 2007
University for the Creative Arts at Canterbury, Epsom, Farnham, Maidstone and Rochester (University College for the Creative Arts at Canterbury, Epsom, Farnham, Maidstone and Rochester 2005-2008, The Surrey Institute of Art and Design 1999-2005)
BA: 1999
University of Aberdeen, The
MBBS, BMedBiol, BSc, LLB, MA, MCh, MEd, MSc and PhD: Any date
BEng, BTech, MChOrth, MEng (1st), MMedSc and MRad: 2000
BLE, BMus, BTh, MLitt and MTh: 1982
LLM, MBA MBAcc, MLE and MMus: 1992
University of Abertay Dundee
BA, BEng, BSc, MPhil, MSc and PhD: 1994
MBA: 2000
PGDip: 1999
University of Bath
BA, BArch, MA and MEd: 1982
BEng, MArch, MBA, MEng and MPhil: 1991
BPharm, BSc, MSc and PhD: 1966
MBioc (1st), MChem (1st), MEng (1st), MMath (1st), MPharm (1st) and MPhys (1st ): 2000
University of Bedfordshire (University of Luton 1993-2006)
BA and DipHE: 1993
BSc: 1998
MA: 1996
MSc: 1997
BSc, LLB, MA, MBA, MPhil, MSc, and PhD: 2000
University of Birmingham
BA, BCom, BDS, MBBS, BMus, BSc, BSSc, LLB, LLM, MA, MCh, MCom, MDS, MEd, MSc, MSSc and PhD: Any date
BEng&Man, MCDH and MPhil: 1982
BLitt, BMEdSc, BN, BTh, MEng (1st), MJur, MMath, MMus, MNatSci, MPH, MSci (1st), and MPhys: 2000
MBA, BEng, MDS, MEng, MEng&Man, MIS and MMedSc: 1991
PGDip: 1996
University of Bolton (Bolton Institute of Higher Education 1992-2005)
BA, BEng, BSc and PGDip: 1992
MA, MEd, MPhil, MSc and PhD: 2000
University of Bradford
BA, BPharm, BSc, BTech, MA, MPharm, MSc and PhD: 1966
BEng, MBA and MPhil: 1982
MEng: 1991
MChem (1st), MEng (1st), MPharm (1st) and MRes: 2000
University of Brighton
BA, BEng, BSc, DipHE, MA, MBA, MEng, MPhil, MSc and PhD: 1992
University of Bristol
BA, BArch, BDS, BSc, BVSc, MA, MEd, MLitt, MSc and PhD: Any date
BEng, MCh, MEng, MPhil and MProf: 1992
MBA, MCD, MEng (1st), MSci (1st), and MSW: 2000
MBBS, LLB, LLM, MDS and MMus: 1982
University of Buckingham, The
BA, BSc and LLB: 1983
LLM, MA and MSc: 1991
University of Cambridge
BA, MBBS, BMus, BVetMed, LLB, MLitt, MSc and PhD: Any date
BTh and MBA: 2000
MPhil: 1982
LLM: 1991
University of Central Lancashire
BA and BSc: 1992
DipHE: 1997
PGDip: 1993
MSc: 2002
University of Chester (University College Chester 2003-2005)
BA, BSc and PGCert: 2003
University of Chichester, The (University College Chichester 1999-2005)
BA and BSc: 1999
PGDip: 2007
University of Cumbria
BA: 2007
University of Derby
BA, BEng, BSc, LLB, MA, MBA, MPhil, MSc and PhD: 1993
University of Dundee, The
BA, BAcc, BArch, BDes, BEng, LLM, MBA, MDS and MSW: 1991
BAdmin, MPH and MPhil: 1982
BDS, MBBS, BMedSc, BSc, LLB, MA (1st), MCh, MEd, MSc and PhD: 1967
BFin, BMid, BN, MAcc, MChOrth, MDes, MEng (1st), MFA, MFM, MMEd, MMedSc, MSci (1st) and MSSc: 2000
PGDip: 2003
University of Durham
BA, BMus, BSc, MA, MEd, MLitt, MSc and PhD: Any date
BEng, LLB, LLM, MJur , Math (1st) and MSci (1st): 2000
MBA, MMus and MTh: 1992
MEng (1st) and MPhil: 1982
University of East Anglia
BA, BSc, MA, MSc and PhD: 1968
BEng: 1991
BSc, LLB, MMus and MPhil: 1982
DipHE: 2006
LLM, MBA, MChem (1st), MEd, MMath (1st) and PGDip: 2000
University of East London
BA, BEng, BSc, DipHE, LLB, MA, MBA, MEd, MPhil, MSc and PhD: 1992
LLM and MEng (1st): 2000
PGDip: 1999
University of Edinburgh, The
BA, MBA, BMus and MPhil: 1982
BArch, BCom, BDS, MBBS, BSc, DDS, LLB, LLM, MA, March, MCh, MEd, MLitt, BMus, MSc, MTh and PhD: Any date
BEng and MLA: 1991
MChem (1st), MChem Phys (1st), MEng (1st), MPhys (1st), MMus, MRes, MSW, BTech and MTh: 2000
PGDip: 1990
University of Essex
BA, MA, MSc and PhD: 1965
BEng, MEng (1st) and MEnv: 2000
FD: 2007
LLB and LLM: 1991
MPhil and BSc: 1982
PGDip: 1993
University of Exeter
BA, BSc, LLB, MA and PhD: Any date
BEng, MEng and MPhil: 1991
LLM, MEd and MSc: 1982
MBA, MChem (1st), BMus, MEng (1st), MMath (1st), MMus, MPhys (1st) and MStat (1st): 2000
University of Glamorgan
BA, BEng, BSc, DipHE, LLB, MEng (1st), MPhil, MSc and PhD: 1992
LLM, MA, MBA and MMath (1st): 2000
PGDip: 2003
University of Glasgow
BA, BEng, BTechEd, MAcc, MArch, MCC and MPH: 1991
BAcc, BArch, LLM, MAppSci, MBA, MEng, MLitt, MPhil, MSc and MVetMed: 1982
BCECD, BES, BFLS, BN, BTech, BTh, MDes, MEng (1st), MFA and MSci (1st): 2000
BDS, MBBS, BMus, BSc, LLB, MA, MEd, MTh and PhD: Any date
PGDip: 1985
University of Gloucestershire (Cheltenham and Gloucester College of Higher Education 1992-2001)
BA and BSc: 1992
MA: 1998
University of Greenwich
BA, BEng, BSc, MA, MBA, MPhil, MSc and PhD: 1992
LLB: 2000
Effective 26/09/2011