United Kingdom - Awarding Institutions (2) (26/09/2011)
Awarding Institutions
The following institutions may award the qualifications specified from the dates shown. For the purposes of the List of Qualifications Exempt from Assessment ‘Any date’ or ‘until’ refers to a date on or after 1960.
(Previous names and dates of change, and alternative institution names which may be included on the award certificate are indicated in brackets. Names and dates of institutions have been included in the List of Qualifications Exempt from Assessment for immigration purposes only.)
Qualifications awarded from
University of Hertfordshire
BA: 1993
BEng: 1998
DipHE and BSc: 1992
PGDip: 1995
LLB, LLM, MBA, MChem, MPhil, MPhys, MRes and PhD: 2000
MSc: 1997
MA: 1999
University of Huddersfield
BA, BEng, BSc, DipHE, LLB, MA, MBA, MEd, MPhil, MSc and PhD: 1992
MChem (1st), MEng (1st) and BMus: 2000
University of Hull
BA, BMus, BPhil, BSc, LLB, LLM, MA, MEd, MSc and PhD: Any date
BEng, BTh, MBA and MEng: 1991
MChem (1st), MEng (1st), MMath (1st), MMus and MPhys (1st): 2000
MPhil: 1982
PGDip: 2005
University of Keele
BA, MA, MSc and PhD: 1962
BN, LLB, BMid, MChOrth, MMedSc, MPhil and MSci (1st): 2000
DipHE: 2006
LLM, MBA, MLitt and BSSc: 1991
MEd, BSc and BSSc: 1982
University of Kent, The (The University of Kent at Canterbury 1969-2003)
BA, BSc, MA, MSc and PhD: 1969
BBA, BEng, LLB, MBA, MCh, MChem (1st), MClinSci, MComp (1st), MEBA, MEng (1st), MManSci (1st), MPhys (1st), MRes and MTh: 2000
LLM: 1991
MPhil: 1982
University of Lancaster
BA, MA, MLitt, MSc and PhD: 1969
BBA, BMus, MEng (1st), MMath (1st), MPhys (1st), MStat (1st), MMus and MRes: 2000
BEng, MBA, BMus and LLM: 1992
BSc, LLB and MPhil: 1982
FD: 2005
University of Leeds
BA, BCom, MBBS. BSc, LLB, LLM, MA, MEd, MPhil and MSc: Any date
MCh, MDS and PhD: 1982
BBc, BMus, MChem (1st), MEng (1st), MGeog (1st), MGeol (1st), MGeophys (1st), MHSc and MPsychother: 2000
BEng, MBA, BChD, MDS, MEng, MMedSc, MMus and MPH: 1992
DipHE: 2001
PGDip: 2003
University of Leicester
BA, BSc, MA, MEd, MSc and PhD: Any date
BEng: 1991
MBBS, LLB, LLM, MEdStud and MPhil: 1982
MChem (1st), MEng (1st), MGeol (1st), MMath (1st) and MPhys (1st): 2000
PGDip: 1997
University of Lincoln (University of Lincolnshire and Humberside 1996-2001; University of Humberside 1992-1996)
BA, BArch, BEng, BSc, MA, MBA, MPhil, MSc and PhD: 1992
MEd: 2000
University of Liverpool
BA, BArch, BCom, BDS, BEng, MBBS, BMus, BSc, BVSc, LLB, MA, MArch, MCD, MCh, MChOrth, MEd, MSc, MTD, and PhD: Any date
MBA, MCommH, MDS, MEng, MPA, MPhil, MPsyMed, MPsych, MTropMed and MVSc: 1982
BClinSci, BN, BTh, LLM and MDS: 2000
BDes, MArAd, MClinPsych, MDes, MMus, MPH and MTropPaed: 1991
PGDip: 2004
University of London
BA, BDS, MBBS, BMus, BPharm, BSc, BVetMed, LLB, LLM, MA, MDS, MMus, MPhil, MSc, MTh and PhD: Any date
BEng, BH and Med: 1982
MArch, MClinDent, MFA, MEng (1st), BMedSc, MPharm (1st), MSci (1st), MRes and MVetMed: 2000
MEng and BMus: 1991
University of Manchester (Victoria University of Manchester until 2004)
BA, BDS, MBBS, BMus, BSc, DDS, LLB, MA, MBA, MEd, MSc and PhD: Any date
BArch and MMus: 1982
BAppLing, BEconSc, BLD, BMedSc, BPl, BSSc, BTP, MAppLing, MChem, MDS, MEarthSci, MHSc, MMath, MMatSc, MPhys, MPsych, MRes and MTP: 2000
BEng, BN, LLM, MCh, MDS, MEng, MLing and Phil: 1991
PGDip: 2004
University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology
BEng, BSc, MEng (1st), MPhys (1st), MSc and PhD: 1993 - 2004
MBA, MChem (1st), MChemPST (1st), MLangEng (1st), MLangTrans (1st), MMath (1st), MMatSci (1st), MOptom (1st), MPhil and MRes: 2000 - 2004
University of Newcastle upon Tyne
BA, BArch, BDS, MBBS, BSc, LLB, LLM, MA, MDS, MEd, MLitt, MPhil, MSc and and PhD: 1963
MBA, BEng, MFA, MIntHSc, MLD and MTP: 1991
MChem (1st), MEng (1st), MLA, MMath (1st), MMedSci, MMus, MPhys (1st) and MRes: 2000
BMedSc: 1982
University of Northampton, The (University College Northampton 1999-2005, Nene College 1996-1999)
BA and BSc: 1996
MA: 2000
University of Northumbria at Newcastle
BA, BSc and DipHe: 1992
BEng: 1994
PGDip: 1997
FD: 2007
LLB, MA, MChem (1st), MEd, MEng (1st), MMath (1st), MPhil, MSc and PhD: 2000
University of Nottingham
BA, BMus, BPharm, BSc, LLB, LLM, MA, MEd, MSc and PhD: Any date
BEng, MBA and MEng: 1991
BN, MArch, MDiv, MEng (1st), MMath (1st), MPH, MPharm (1st), MRes, MSci (1st) and MSW: 2000
MBBS, BArch, BCombStuds, BMedSci, BTh, MMedSci, MPhil and MTh: 1982
University of North London
BA, BEng, BSc, LLB, MA and MSc: 1992 - 2002
LLM, MBA, MEng, MPhil and PhD: 2000 - 2002
University of Oxford
BA: Any date
BFA, MBBS, MCh, MLitt, MPhil, MSc and PhD: 1982
BMus, BTh, MBioc (1st), MChem (1st), MEng (1st), MESci (1st), MJur, MMath (1st), MPhys (1st) and MTh: 2000
University of Plymouth
BA, BEng, BSc, LLB, MA, MBA, MEng, MPhil, MSc and PhD: 1992
MChem (1st), MEd, MEng (1st) and MMath (1st): 2000
PGDip: 1998
University of Portsmouth
BA, BEng, BSc, DipHE, MA, MBA, MEng, MPhil and MSc: 1992
PGDip: 1993
University of Reading
BA, BSc, MA, MAgrSc, MEd, MFA, MPhil, MSc, and PhD: Any date
BEng, LLM, MFA and MMus: 1992
LLB: 1982
MBA, MChem (1st), MEd, MEng (1st), MMath (1st ), MPhys (1st), MRes and MSW: 2000
University of Salford
BA and MA: 1982
BEng, MEng and MPhil: 1991
BSc, MSc and PhD: 1967
MChem (1st), MEng (1st), MPhys (1st) and MRes: 2000
University of Sheffield
BA, BDS, BEng, MBBS, BMet, BSc, BScTech, LLB, MA, MEng, MMet, MScTech and PhD: Any date
MBA, BMedSc, BMus, MCh and MMedSc: 1982
MChem (1st),MEng (1st), MMath (1st), MPhys (1st), BMinTheol, LLM, MArchStudies, MDS, MEd and MMedSc: 2000
MPhil, MMus, MMinTheol, MSc and March: 1992
PGDip: 1998
University of Southampton
BA, BSc, LLB, MA, MPhil, MSc and PhD: Any date
BEng, BN and MEng: 1992
BMid, MBA, MEng (1st), MMath, MMath (1st), MMus, MPhys (1st), MRes, MSW and MTh: 2000
BTh and LLM: 1982
University of St. Andrews
BPhil, BSc, MA, MLitt, MSc, MTh and PhD: Any date
MPhil and MTh: 1982
University of Stirling
BA, BSc, MEd and MLitt: 1982
BAcc, MBA and MPhil: 1992
BMid, BN and BSW: 2000
MSc and PhD: 1969
PGDip: 2002
University of Strathclyde
BA, BArch, BSc, LLB, MA, MBA, MLitt, MSc and PhD: 1964
BENg, BTech, MCom, MEng and MPhil: 1991
PGDip: 1986
University of Sunderland
BA and BSc: 1992
BEng: 1995
MBA: 1997
MSc: 1999
University of Surrey
BA, MA, BMus and MMus: 1982
BEng and MEng: 1991
BSc, MPhil, MSc and PhD: 1966
DipHE: 1998
LLB, LLM, MBA, MChem (1st), MEng (1st), MMath (1st) and MPhys (1st): 2000
PGDip: 2002
University of Sussex
BA, BSC, MA, MPhil, MSc and PhD: 1969
BEng: 1991
LLB, LLM, MChem (1st), MEng (1st), MMath (1st) and MPhys (1st): 2000
MEdPsych and MSW: 1982
University of Teesside
BA, BEng, BSc, MA, MBA, MPhil, MSc and PhD: 1992
PGDip: 1996
University of the Arts, London (The London Institute 1993-2004)
BA: 1993
MA: 1995
University of the West of England
DipHE, BA, BEng, BSc, LLB, MA, MBA, MEd, MSc, and PhD: 1992
LLM: 2000
PGDip: 1999
University of the West of Scotland (University of Paisley 1992-2007)
BA, BEng, BSc, MA, MPhil, MSc and PhD: 1992
BAcc: 2000
PGDip: 1993
University of Ulster
BA, BSc, MA, MPhil, MSc and PhD: 1984
BEng, MBA, MEng, BMus and BTech: 1991
MEng (1st), MFA, MMedSc and MRes: 2000
PGDip: 1996
University of Wales
BA, BArch, BDS, BEng, MBBS, BMus BPharm, BSc, LLB, LLM, MA, MMus, MPharm, MSc and PhD: Any date
BTh, MBA, MEng, MPhil and PGDip: 1991
BLib, BN, MCh, MEd, MLib and MTh: 1982
BMedSc, MChem (1st), MEng (1st), MMath (1st), MPH, MPharm (1st), MPhys (1st) and MRes: 2000
DipHE: 1998
University of Warwick
BA, BSc, MA, MPhil, MSc and PhD: 1969
BEng, MChem (1st), MD, MEng (1st), MHist, MMath (1st), MMathStat (1st), MMedSc, MMORSE (1st), MPA, MPhys (1st) and MRes: 2000
FD: 2006
LLB, LLM, MBA and Med: 1982
PGDip: 2001
University of West London, The (Thames Valley University 1992 – 2010)
BA, BSc, MA and MBA: 1992
University of Westminster
BA, BEng, BSc, LLB, MA, MBA, MPhil, MSc, PGDip and PhD: 1992
BMus, LLM and MMus: 2000
University of Winchester, The (College of Winchester 2004-2005)
BA and DipHE: 2004
University of Wolverhampton, The
BA, BEng, BSc, DipHE, LLB, MA, MBA, MEd, MPhil, MSc and PhD: 1992
LLM and MMedSc: 2000
PGDip: 2002
University of Worcester (University College of Worcester 1997-2005)
BA and BSc: 1997
University of York
BA, BEng, BSc, MA, MEng, MPhil, MSc, MSW and PhD: 1969
MChem (1st), MEng (1st), MMath (1st), MPhys (1st) and MRes: 2000
York St. John University (York St. John University College February - September 2006, York St. John 2005-2006)
BA and BSc: 2005
Effective 26/09/2011