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WA2.45 Currency and approval specifications of employer accreditation (25/02/2023)

  1. Employer accreditation may be granted for a duration of 12 months where the employer is being granted accreditation:
    1. for the first time under these instructions; or
    2. as an employer who places Accredited Employer work visa holders in triangular employment arrangements; or
    3. as a franchisee employer; or
    4. where the previous accreditation has lapsed for 12 months or more.
  2. Employer accreditation may be granted for a duration of 24 months where:
    1. the employer has previously been granted accreditation under these instructions; and
    2. the previous accreditation has not lapsed for 12 months or more; and
    3. the employer is not being granted accreditation as an employer who places Accredited Employer work visa holders in triangular employment arrangements, or as a franchisee employer.
  3. Despite (a) above, where an employer has applied for their initial accreditation before 4 July 2023, they will receive an automatic 12-month extension to the specified accreditation expiry date, prior to the expiry of their accreditation without being required to make another application.
  4. Where an employer's accreditation is upgraded from Standard to High Volume Accreditation under WA2.5(e), the expiry date of the initial accreditation remains the same.
  5. An accreditation approval will specify the:
    1. employer’s legal name; and
    2. employer’s New Zealand Business Number; and
    3. employer accreditation type, that is:
      • Standard Accreditation or High Volume Accreditation; or
      • High Volume Accreditation – Triangular Employment, and/or
      • High Volume Accreditation – Franchisee; and
    4. employer accreditation commencement date; and
    5. employer accreditation expiry date.
  6. An employer may only place an Accredited Employer work visa holder in a triangular employment arrangement (as defined at WA2.60.15), if they hold High Volume Accreditation – Triangular Employment.
  7. Despite (a) above, employer accreditation granted before 4 July 2022 will be granted with an expiry date of 4 July 2023.

WA2.45.1 Interim employer accreditation

  1. Subject to (b) and (c) below, interim accreditation may be granted to an employer who:
    1. has submitted a subsequent application for accreditation that has been accepted for processing before their current accreditation has expired; and
    2. continues to meet the requirements for the accreditation they hold, as set out in these instructions.
  2. Where the subsequent application is for Standard Accreditation, interim accreditation will only be granted where an employer does not have more than 5 jobs associated to them (WA3.50.1).
  3. Where the subsequent application is for franchisee accreditation, interim accreditation will only be granted where an employer currently holds franchisee accreditation.
  4. The interim accreditation will start when the current accreditation expires.
  5. The interim accreditation will be valid for three months or until the subsequent application has been decided, whichever occurs first.
  6. The type of interim accreditation granted will be:
    1. Standard Accreditation, where either the current accreditation or the accreditation applied for is Standard Accreditation; or
    2. High Volume Accreditation, where both the current accreditation and the accreditation applied for is High Volume Accreditation; and
    3. High Volume Accreditation – Triangular Employment, where the current accreditation and the accreditation applied for is High Volume Accreditation – Triangular Employment; and
    4. High Volume Accreditation – Franchisee, where the current accreditation and the accreditation applied for is High Volume Accreditation - Franchisee.

Note: Where the interim accreditation granted is different to the accreditation applied for, an employer must adhere to the requirements of the interim accreditation.

Effective 25/02/2023


WA2.45 Currency and approval specifications of employer accreditation (16/06/2024)

WA2.45 Currency and approval specifications of employer accreditation (23/05/2022)

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