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G4.1 Basic rules for work experience (05/06/2000)
  1. Principal applicants must have at least 2 years' work experience to be approved in the General Skills category. Principal applicants who do not obtain at least one point for work experience must be declined (subject to G4.1(b) below).
  2. Principal applicants are exempt from this requirement if they have completed a New Zealand qualification (see G2.20.1) for which they have been awarded points or for which they were eligible to be awarded points but did not claim them, provided that they obtained the qualification without the assistance of NZODA funding.
  3. Principal applicants may be awarded one point for every 2 complete years' work experience, up to a maximum of 10 points.

    Example: Five years of work experience would be awarded 2 points.

  4. For principal applicants to be awarded points for work experience, visa and immigration officers must be satisfied that their work experience is relevant to the qualification for which they obtain points (see G4.1.5 below). This requirement does not apply to principal applicants who obtain 5 points for an offer of employment (see G4.15).

G4.1.1 What kind of work experience counts?

  1. Work experience which was an integral part or course requirement of the qualification for which points are awarded will not be counted in calculating relevant work experience.
  2. Research, study or training that is undertaken as part of paid employment may be assessed as work experience, provided that:
    1. it is relevant to the qualification for which points were awarded, and
    2. it was not undertaken as part of the qualification for which points were awarded.
  3. Relevant work experience may be aggregated.
  4. Periods of parental leave, leave without pay, or unpaid study leave do not count towards relevant work experience.
  5. Work experience does not include experience:
    1. of such a low standard that it led to the principal applicant's* dismissal;
    2. gained before the age of 20 (except work experience gained after a qualification for which points are awarded);
    3. gained during compulsory military service or compulsory community service (except if the work experience is gained after the age of 20 and is relevant to the qualification for which points are awarded).

G4.1.5 Relevance to qualifications

  1. Work experience must only be relevant to qualifications if the principal applicant does not have an offer of employment for which points have been awarded (see G4.15).
  2. Work experience must be accepted as relevant to a qualification if the visa or immigration officer is satisfied that the qualification was:
    1. an important factor in the principal applicant being able to obtain work or continue or advance in the position or field of work in which they have experience, or
    2. an important factor in a career path that has advanced progressively from the principal applicant's pre-qualification work experience.
  3. Officers should decide whether work experience is relevant to the qualification for which a principal applicant has obtained points, by taking into account evidence about:
    • whether the qualification was a requirement for employment;
    • whether the employer considered that the qualification provided evidence of a level of education required to undertake the work;
    • whether the knowledge acquired through the qualification is directly used in the employment;
    • whether work experience involved the use of professional, technical or trade skills that were advanced through completing the qualification.

G4.1.10 Part-time work

  1. Calculation of levels of work experience must be for complete weeks based on a 30-hour week.
  2. Credit is given for 30-hour weeks only, even though a principal applicant has worked more than 30 hours in any week.

    Example: Fifty-two 60-hour weeks are equal to one year's work experience.

  3. Credit for part-time work experience may be given on a proportional basis.

    Example: Four years' work experience for 15 hours per week is equal to 2 years' work experience for a 30-hour week, and would therefore be awarded one point.

Effective date 05/06/2000


G4.1 Basic rules for work experience (04/02/2002)

G4.1 Basic rules for work experience (04/09/2000)

G4.1 Basic rules for work experience (26/07/1999)

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