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BI11.1 General rules for an acceptable business proposal (04/07/2005)
  1. The proposal to establish a specific business must be made by the principal applicant via the submission of a business plan (see BI11.1.1 below) supported by appropriate documentation (see BI11.5).
  2. The proposed business must:
    1. be in New Zealand; and
    2. under normal circumstances, be capable of providing a commercial return; and
    3. be of benefit to New Zealand (see BI11.15); and
    4. be owned and controlled by the principal applicant (ownership is defined as owning at least 25 per cent of the business); and
    5. require a minimum amount of NZ$200,000 investment capital, and the funds requested should be rounded up or down as appropriate to the nearest $50,000.
  3. The applicant must advise the business immigration specialist if there are any significant changes in circumstance to the business plan or the actual business.

BI11.1.1 Definition of a ‘business plan’

A business plan is a plan to establish a specific business in New Zealand, which contains information as set out in the approved business plan form, and is supported by appropriate documentation (see BI11.5).

Effective 04/07/2005


BI11.5 Requirements for submitting a business plan (04/07/2005)

BI11.10 Assessment of a business plan (04/07/2005)

BI11.15 Criteria for a business benefiting New Zealand (04/07/2005)

BI11.20 Principal applicant's genuine interest in establishing a business in New Zealand (04/07/2005)

BI11.25 Process for accepting or refusing a business proposal (04/07/2005)

BI11.30 Changing a business proposal (04/07/2005)

BI11.35 Process for accepting or refusing a change to a business proposal (04/07/2005)

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