S1.1 Pitcairn Islanders
S1.5 Special procedural requirements for Filipino nationals married to or...
S1.10 Samoan Quota Scheme
S1.11 Residual Quota Places Policy
S1.15 Nationals of the People's Republic of China (PRC)
S1.20 Sri Lankan nationals
S1.25 Indo-Chinese applicants in refugee camps
S1.30 Restrictions on entry to or transit through New Zealand of certain groups
S1.31 Ban on the issue of visas to leading members of...
S1.35 Ban on the issue of visas or permits to...
S1.36 Restriction on the issue of visas or grant of permits to...
S1.38 Ban on the issue of residence visas and ...
S1.40 Pacific Access Category
S1.41 Residual Pacific Access Category Places Policy
S1.45 Special Samoan Quota Places Policy
S1.50 Special Pacific Access Category Places Policy