Previous names and dates of change, and alternative institution names which may be included on the award certificate are indicated in brackets. Names and dates of institutions have been included in the List of Qualifications Exempt from Assessment for immigration purposes only.
Qualification awarded from
Guangdong University of Foreign Studies / 广东外语外贸大学
B, M and D: 1996
Guangdong University of Technology / 广东工业大学
B and M: 1995
D: 2003
Guangzhou Institute of Foreign Languages / 广州外国语学院
B and M: 1985 - 1995
D: 1990 - 1995
Guangzhou Medical University (Guangzhou Medical College) / 广州医学院
B: 1985
M and D: 2005
Guangzhou University / 广州大学
B and M: 2000
D: 2010
Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine (Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine) / 广州中医药大学 (Guangzhou College of Traditional Chinese Medicine / 广州中医学院 1985 - 1995)
B and M: 1985
D: 1987
Jinan University / 暨南大学
B and M: 1985
D: 1987
Shantou University / 汕头大学
B: 1987
M: 1996
D: 2002
Shenzhen University / 深圳大学
B: 1987
M: 1996
D: 2010
South China Agricultural University / 华南农业大学
B and M: 1985
D: 1986
South China Normal University / 华南师范大学
B and M: 1985
D: 1988
South China University of Technology / 华南理工大学 (South China Institute of Technology / 华南工学院 1985 - 1988)
B and M: 1985
D: 1987
Southern Medical University / 南方医科大学
B, M and D: 2004
Sun Yat-Sen Medical University / 中山医科大学
B, M and D: 1985 - 2001
Sun Yat-Sen University / 中山大学 (Zhongshan University / 中山大学 1985 - 2001)
B, M and D: 1985