Germany - Craft and Trade Qualifications
The Craft and Trade qualifications in Table A may be awarded the points indicated where:
- the qualification is relevant to an occupation at ANZSCO skill level 3, 4 or 5; and
- the applicant also provides evidence of completing an apprenticeship in Table B in the same occupation.
Table A
Awarded by a Berufsschule or Berufsfachbschule
Level in NZQF terms
Points under SMC
Abschlußzeugnis / Abschlusszeugnis (Leaving certificate / Certificate of completion)
Abschlußzeugnis / Abschlusszeugnis der Berufsschule (Certificate of a vocational school)
Berufsschulabschluß / Berufsschulabschluss (Vocational school degree)
If an applicant believes their qualification may be higher than the level stated, they should apply to NZQA for an International Qualifications Assessment.
Note: Award certificates must be provided in their original language.
The following must be referred to NZQA for an International Qualifications Assessment: - All honorary degrees - All listed qualifications where study was completed at any institution outside of the country, including any overseas campuses of any listed awarding institution - All listed qualifications in Table A that contain cross-credited courses or papers - All qualifications awarded after 2018
Table B
Apprenticeship Certificates*
The applicant must provide evidence of completing an apprenticeship by providing any one of the following certificates awarded between 1980 and 2018 (or the dates stated) by an Industrie- und Handelskammer (Chamber of Industry and Commerce) or a Handwerkskammer (Chamber of Crafts):
- Gesellenbrief / Gesellenbriefe (Apprenticeship / Journeyman)
- Gesellenprüfung (Trade test) / Gesellenprüfungzeugnis (Trade test certificate)
- Facharbeiterbrief / Facharbeiterbriefe (Craft certificate)
* An official stamp on the apprenticeship documents will state the chamber name and the German State of jurisdiction. The apprenticeship documents will always state the crafts/trade that the apprenticeship was completed in.
All German apprenticeships which meet the documents requirements stated above can be considered eligible for points. The apprenticeship may have been completed in one of the following crafts/trades:
- Backofenbauer / Backofenbauerin (Oven Builder) 1980–2006
- Beton- und Stahlbetonbauer / Beton- und Stahlbetonbauerin (Concreter) from 1980
- Bootsbauer / Bootsbauerin (Boat Builder) from 1980
- Brunnenbauer / Brunnenbauerin (Well Builder) from 1980
- Büchsenmacher / Büchsenmacherin (Gunsmith) from 1980
- Chirurgiemechaniker / Chirurgiemechanikerin (Surgical Instrument Maker) from 1989 (Chirurgiemechaniker (Surgical Instrument Maker) 1980–1989)
- Dachdecker / Dachdeckerin (Roofer) from 1981
- Dreher (Turner) 1989–2002
- Elektromaschinenbauer / Elektromaschinenbauerin (Electrical Machine Technician) 1980–2003
- Elektroniker für Maschinen und Antriebstechnik / Elektronikerin für Maschinen und Antriebstechnik (Electronic Technician for Machines and Drive Technology) from 2003
- Elektroniker / Elektronikerin (Electronics Technician) from 2003
- Estrichleger / Estrichlegerin (Floor Layer / Screeder) from 1980
- Feinwerkmechaniker / Feinwerkmechanikerin (Precision Machinist) from 2002 (Feinmechaniker / Feinmechanikerin (Precision Machinist) 1980–2002)
- Fleischer / Fleischerin (Butcher) from 1983
- Friseur / Friseurin (Hairdresser) from 1980
- Gerüstbauer / Gerüstbauerin (Scaffolder) from 1990
- Glasapparatebauer / Glasapparatebauerin (Glass Apparatus Maker) from 1983
- Glaser / Glaserin (Glazier) from 1980
- Karosserie- und Fahrzeugbaumechaniker / Karosserie- und Fahrzeugbaumechanikerin (Motor Vehicle Construction Mechanic) from 2003
- Karosserie- und Fahrzeugbauer / Karosserie-und Fahrzeugbauerin (Automotive Technician / Bodywork) 1989–2003
- Konditor / Konditorin (Pastry Chef) from 1980
- Konstruktionsmechaniker / Konstruktionsmechanikerin (Construction Mechanic) from 1987
- Kraftfahrzeugmechatroniker / Kraftfahrzeugmechatronikerin (Motor Vehicle Mechatronics Technician) from 2003
- Landmaschinenmechaniker / Landmaschinenmechanikerin (Mechanic for Agricultural and Construction Machinery) 1980–2003
- Maler und Lackierer / Maler und Lackiererin (Painter and Varnisher) from 1980
- Maurer / Maurerin (Mason) from 1980
- Maschinenbaumechaniker / Maschinenbaumechanikerin (Engineering Mechanics) 1989–2002
- Mechatroniker für Kältetechnik / Mechatronikerin für Kältetechnik (Refrigeration Mechanic) from 2007 (Kälteanlagenbauer / Kälteanlagenbauerin (Refrigeration Mechanic) 1980–2007)
- Metallbauer / Metallbauerin (Metal worker) from 1989
- Ofen- und Luftheizungsbauer / Ofen- und Luftheizungsbauerin (Builder of Stoves and Air Heating Systems) from 2006
- Parkettleger (Floorer) from 1980
- Schornsteinfeger / Schornsteinfegerin (Chimney Sweep) from 1980
- Seiler (Ropemaker) from 1980
- Schiffbauer/ Schiffbauerin (Shipfitter/ Shipbuilder/ Shipwright) 1980–1987
- Steinmetz und Steinbildhauer / Steinmetzin und Steinbildhauerin (Stonemason) from 1983
- Straßenbauer / Straßenbauerin (Road Builder) from 1980
- Stuckateur / Stuckateurin (Plasterer) from 1980
- Tischler / Tischlerin (Joiner) from 1997 (Tischler (Joiner) 1980–1997)
- Vulkaniseur und Reifenmechaniker (Mechanic for Tyres and Vulcanisation) 1981–2004
- Wärme-, Kälte- und Schallschutzisolierer / Wärme-, Kälte- und Schallschutzisoliererin (Thermal and Noise Insulation Fitter) from 1980
- Werkzeugmechaniker / Werkzeugmechanikerin (Toolmaker) from 1987
- Zimmerer / Zimmerin (Carpenter) from 1980
- Zweiradmechaniker / Zweiradmechanikerin (Motorbike and Bicycle Mechanic) from 1989
Effective 13/05/2019