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C4.25 Recognition of a refugee status claim (26/07/1999)

  1. If the RSB recognises a claim for refugee status, it informs the claimant's representative by letter.
  2. The letter also states:
    1. whether or not the recognition includes dependants of the claimant, and
    2. that if the claimant wishes to apply for residence, they should apply to the nearest branch of the NZIS that processes applications for visas and permits (see S3.15 for requirements).

Effective 26/07/1999


C4.1 Interviews (26/07/1999)

C4.5 Confidentiality (26/07/1999)

C4.10 Lapsing claims for refugee status (26/07/1999)

C4.15 Withdrawal of claims for refugee status (26/07/1999)

C4.20 Declining claims for refugee status (26/07/1999)

C4.30 Claimants who have had their refugee claim recognised (26/07/1999)

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