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C3.10 Interviews (26/07/1999)

  1. While the RSB is not obliged to interview refugee claimants, the determination process is usually more speedy if the detainee is interviewed, even if the claimant is making a further refugee claim.
  2. An interview should normally be scheduled for the working day after receiving the application form and statement, but may be scheduled earlier if necessary.
  3. If appropriate, the refugee status officer may tape-record the interview.

C3.10.1 Interview reports

  1. An interview report is usually not prepared in the following circumstances:
    1. if the Refugee status officer tape-records the interview, or
    2. if, in the case of a further claim, the refugee status officer concludes the interview after ascertaining that the further claim does not satisfy the acceptance criteria, or
    3. if, in the course of the interview, the refugee status officer confirms with the detainee their understanding of the detainee's claim and puts any prejudicial information to the detainee.
  2. If an interview report is to be prepared, it should if possible be completed within one working day of the interview.
  3. Whether or not the detainee has a representative, the detainee may be given 2 working days in which to comment on an interview report, and the covering letter should draw attention to the amended time given for comment.
  4. If the detainee does have a representative, any interview report should be faxed to them and the time of transmission noted on the file.
  5. If the detainee has no representative, an NZIS officer should personally deliver any interview report to the detainee. If necessary, an interpreter should accompany the officer in order to translate the report and assist the detainee in commenting on it.

Effective 26/07/1999


C3.1 What is a detainee? (26/07/1999)

C3.5 Time limit for completing claim (26/07/1999)

C3.15 Further claims from detainees (26/07/1999)

C3.20 Determining the claim (26/07/1999)

C3.25 Declining the claim or refusing to accept a further claim (26/07/1999)

C3.30 Approving the claim (26/07/1999)

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