Effective 26/07/1999
W3.1 General Rules (26/07/1999)
W3.2 Applicants with specialist skills identified as... (01/07/2001)
W3.5 Spouses and de facto partners of New Zealand citizens or residents (01/10/2001)
W3.10 People entering New Zealand for the purpose of... (01/10/2001)
W3.15 Business persons on short-term secondment (26/07/1999)
W3.20 Executive staff of multinational companies on long-term secondment (26/07/1999)
W3.25 Medical and dental personnel (26/07/1999)
W3.30 Medical and dental trainees (26/07/1999)
W3.35 University lecturers (26/07/1999)
W3.40 Research and post-doctoral fellows (26/07/1999)
W3.50 Entertainers, performing artists, film and... (01/07/2001)
W3.55 Sports players and professional sports coaches (26/07/1999)
W3.60 Show judges and sports referees (26/07/1999)
W3.65 Dance and music examiners (26/07/1999)
W3.70 Halal slaughtermen (26/07/1999)
W3.75 New Zealand Racing Conference apprentices (26/07/1999)
W3.80 Dependants of United States Government personnel (26/07/1999)
W3.85 Ministers of religion, missionaries, and members of religious orders (13/12/2001)
W3.90 Pastors and lay missionaries (26/07/1999)
W3.95 Installers and servicers of machinery (26/07/1999)
W3.100 Domestic staff of diplomatic and consular personnel (26/07/1999)
W3.105 Domestic staff of seconded senior executives (26/07/1999)
W3.110 Pitcairn Islanders (26/07/1999)
W3.115 Direct investment visas for Business Investor category residence applicants (26/07/1999)
W3.125 Overseas students wishing to gain practical work experience in New Zealand (26/07/1999)
W3.130 Special work permits for refugee status claimants (26/07/1999)
W3.135 Principal applicants under the General Skills category seeking... (04/02/2002)
W3.140 Special work permits for Fijian citizens who... (06/07/2000)
W3.145 October 2000 Transitional Policy (04/12/2000)
W3.150 Special work permits for victims of domestic violence (01/10/2001)
W3.155 Special work visas and permits for... (01/04/2001)
W3.160 Special work visas and permits for ... (01/04/2001)